Award Recipients

Bridge Builder Award

Chris Cassidy

Archaeology student turned grants specialist and a huge Star Wars geek, Chris Cassidy is a writer, friend, community advocate, and a believer in humanity.

When she moved to Bethlehem over fifteen years ago (after having lived in five countries in the previous fifteen years), she never thought it would become her forever home. The community she found here inspired her to move from academia into the nonprofit space. She spent twelve years in the planning department at Community Action Lehigh Valley, focusing on Sixth Street Shelter, the Campaign for Racial and Ethnic Justice, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Community Action Development Bethlehem.

She is now the planning director at New Bethany, where she joined the team because of their uncompromising commitment to justice and to being a positive voice and force for change in the community. She is proud to be part of New Bethany’s leadership team and a member of the first cohort of the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation’s CORE Fellowship. She is dedicated to continuing to work towards justice and ensuring that all people are treated with dignity and respect.